Giving Thanks at Work

“We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.”

--John F. Kennedy

John F. Kennedy’s reminder to “stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives” applies as much to our professional lives as it does to our personal ones. November is the month of giving thanks. It’s when we take some time off to gather for good food and focus on family and friends. And we give thanks to the blessings in our lives. Many Thanksgiving tables across the country will ask, “So, what are YOU thankful for?”

While this is when we tend to give thanks for the things on the table, the people sitting around the table, and the other blessings in our personal lives, we don’t often think about giving thanks at work too. After all, we spend a significant part of our lives at work, often side-by-side with colleagues who support, challenge, and inspire us. November should also be a time to show gratitude for the people in our work lives as well. I have a really long list of people who have made my professional life more fulfilling, successful, and definitely more fun—like the colleague who offered unexpected help during a project crunch or the mentor who gave invaluable career advice. I challenge you to spend two minutes each day for the rest of the year and let one person in your professional life know how grateful you are for them.

Here are a few ways you can show your gratitude at work:

Email it. 

I know, I know. Our inboxes runneth over. But, have you ever complained about getting an email with a compliment in it? A quick “thank you” email can mean a lot—especially if you take the time to mention a specific action or project they helped with.

Say it.

In a world of text and email, it can mean a lot to take the time to stop by someone’s desk or pick up the phone and say, “thank you.” A genuine “thank you for staying late last week to help me wrap up that project” can go a long way in making someone feel valued. You never know what kind of impact that might have, what bad day you might be giving a boost.

Write it.

I’m a big lover of paper. I still have sticky notes and cards from bosses and co-workers for a job well-done on a project. Some are hanging out in the bottom of my desk drawer and show themselves at the darnedest times when I need it most. Never underestimate the power of a handwritten note—whether it’s a sticky note, a postcard, or a formal thank-you card, the gesture has a lasting impact.

Bring it.

Pay attention to your professional friends’ likes and dislikes. Surprising someone with their favorite hot beverage shows them not only that you are grateful for them, but also that you SEE them and that you have taken note of what makes them tick.

Gratitude is something that you can extend throughout the year. Here are two ways to carry your new habit of showing gratitude into the new year:

  • During Big Projects: Make it a habit to jot down the people that made it possible. Write down the people that helped you every day and the people that swooped in to rescue you when you needed it most. After the big project is over, consult your list and send an email of gratitude. It’s remarkable how even a few words of thanks and praise will help improve your work relationships. 

  • Work Gratitude Journal: Finish each work day by jotting down three things that you are grateful for in a work gratitude journal. Make sure to acknowledge the lessons learned from the rough days at work too.

Why Gratitude Matters
So why is all of this important? Why all the gratitude? Studies show that expressing gratitude increases performance and also makes for happier and healthier work relationships. Gratitude can also be contagious. Appreciating someone can set in motion a domino effect of gratitude. And couldn’t the world use a little more of that right now?

So as you gather around the Thanksgiving table this year, don’t forget to also set a place for gratitude at your desk. Start with one small gesture, and watch how it grows.

I’m grateful for readers like you who take the time to make their workplace a little brighter. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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